Der neue Bereich unseres Portals macht es sich zum Anliegen, die internationalen Literaturszenen Berlins zu kartographieren, die handelnden Personen und ihre Schauplätze sichtbar und zugänglich zu machen. 
Die Entstehung der Rubrik wurde durch eine Förderung des Hauptstadtkulturfonds ermöglicht. 

Dang Lanh Hoang



© privat


Born: 3.12.1948
Birthplace: Nghe An
Country of birth: Vietnam
Lives in: Berlin, Pankow

Source language: Vietnamese, German, English, Russian
Target language: German, Vietnamese
Working language: Vietnamese, German


Born in Vietnam; studied Chemistry (PhD).1970-1975: professor in Vietnam1975-1988: Research assistant at the National Research Center Vietnam in Ho Chi Minh City (former Saigon)1988-1991: Research assistant at the Central Research Institute for Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR, Berlin1992-2014: Research assistant of the Institute for Applied Chemistry Berlin-Adlershof, and after that at the Leibniz-Institute for Catalysis at the University of RostockSince February 2014: retirement

6 Questions

What brought you to Berlin? Love? World politics? Or was it a coincidence?

First, getting a job as a chemical scientist or maybe really the Fall of the Berlin Wall, so it might have been world policy! I mean, who has the chance to witness the German reunification in Berlin!

What do you love about Berlin?

The city’s diversity.

What do you miss in Berlin?

Nothing much.

What is your favorite spot in Berlin?

Kollwitzplatz, Tiergarten; Mauerweg; Britzer Garten

Would you say you are a different person in Berlin? A different translator? And if yes, in what way?

Definitely! Berlin is a different world!

Which existing literary work do you wish you had written?

Such a wish doesn’t exist. Or there’d be many.


2016   scholarship of the Deutsche Übersetzerfonds


Publications in german

Publications in original language

Chutes de Murs/Propos d'un Berlinois Vietnamien

BoD, 2020

Translated publications

Đời ai nấy chết (Jeder stirbt für sich allein) Hans Fallada

Tao Dan Book/Hanoi, 2024 Roman

Empathy and Understanding. The writer Bao Ninh and War and Peace Thomas Engelbert Ed.

Publikationen der Hamburger Vietnamistik, Hamburg, ISBN 978-3-946953-06-7, 2021 Sachbuch

Người đến từ Mariupol (Sie kam aus Mariupol), Natascha Wodin

Hôi Nhà Văn+Taodanbook/Hà Nôi, 2020 Prosa/Roman

Diệt vong (Auslöschung von Thomas Bernhard/Suhrkamp)

Hoi nha van-Tao Dan/Hanoi-Vietnam, 2018

In Zeiten des abnehmenden Lichts von Eugen Ruge, Rowohlt, 2011

Nha Nam/Ha Noi Vietnam, 2016

Khách sạn Metropol (Metropol, von Eugen Ruge)

Hội Nhà Văn-Tao Đàn/Hà Nôi, 2022 Roman

Vietnam - Mythos und Wirklichkeit

Bundezentrale für politische Bildung - Bd. 10716, 2021 Sachbuch

Giờ Đức văn (Deutschstunde, Siegfried Lenz)

Hoi nha van/Hanoi/Vietnam, 2019 Prosa

Đốn hạ (Holzfällen, Thomas Bernhard)

Hoi nha van/Hanoi/Vietnam, 2018