Der neue Bereich unseres Portals macht es sich zum Anliegen, die internationalen Literaturszenen Berlins zu kartographieren, die handelnden Personen und ihre Schauplätze sichtbar und zugänglich zu machen. 
Die Entstehung der Rubrik wurde durch eine Förderung des Hauptstadtkulturfonds ermöglicht. 

Denise Pereira



Born: 23.3.1984
Birthplace: Lisbon
Country of birth: Portugal
Lives in: Berlin, Neukölln

Working language: Portuguese


Fascinated by words and their musicality, Denise Pereira started writing poems when she was only ten years old. In 2011, she published her first poems at the online blog Janela Inquieta. She holds a PhD in History of Science and sings with different choirs, especially the Coro da Universidade de Lisboa, since 2012.  She participates regularly in Poetry Slams since 2014 and composed a musical-poetical performance “Marioneta Inquieta” (The restless puppet) which she took on stage in Lisbon a couple of times and once in Berlin. In August 2016, she moved to Berlin and works at the musical-poetical project „rui+Marioneta“ with musician Rui Caldeira ever since.


Publications in original language

Marioneta Inquieta

2016 poetic performance with original texts