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Creative Writing Workshop: A Green Library Event with Musa Okwonga

Mittwoch, 22. Juli 2020

20:00 UHR




Eintritt: free entrance


poco.lit. is pleased to present its third Green Library event. On July 22 at 8 pm CET, Musa Okwonga will teach an online creative writing workshop. Musa's workshop, with the aid of practical exercises, will examine the three elements of what he calls the "creativity toolkit": the use of imagery, empathy and narrative to tell better stories, regardless of your experience as a writer.

The 90-Minute workshop takes place via the online platform Zoom. Participation is free, but registration is required (deadline: July 15). If you send an email to pocolitinfo@gmail.com you will receive the link to the Zoom meeting. You can participate from the comfort of your own home by mobile phone or computer.

The Green Library event series is supported by the Berlin Senate. For more info, check out pocolit.com.


Bitte beachten Sie: Die Veranstaltung findet ausser Haus statt!