Der neue Bereich unseres Portals macht es sich zum Anliegen, die internationalen Literaturszenen Berlins zu kartographieren, die handelnden Personen und ihre Schauplätze sichtbar und zugänglich zu machen. 
Die Entstehung der Rubrik wurde durch eine Förderung des Hauptstadtkulturfonds ermöglicht. 

Ákos Szolcsányi




Born: 24.3.1984
Country of birth:
Lives in: Berlin,

Working language: Hungarian / English / Spanish / German


I started my life as a Hungarian speaker in 1984. Like a 39-year-old, I am convinced that the thick of it has already happened.

I started as an English speaker in 1990. Like a 33-year-old, I am afraid of getting crucified and misunderstood.

I started as a Spanish speaker in 1998. Like a 25-year-old, I'm convinced that I'm busy taking on the world, am fighting the good fight while unambiguously smoking.

I started as a German speaker in 2019. Like a 4-year-old, I'm curious, easily scared, shy and hopeful.


For texts available online, see:





6 Questions

What brought you to Berlin? Love? World politics? Or was it a coincidence?

The extension of part time emplyoment and the strength of self-distructive instincts in my home country

What do you love about Berlin?

Everything green and everything gray

What do you miss in Berlin?

The sun

What is your favorite spot in Berlin?

The Ostkreuz area somehow feels like home. Like I wish home was, with a principal at work, that rooms and buildings can be poor without smelling like dumpsters

Would you say you are a different person in Berlin? A different translator? And if yes, in what way?

Yes, here I feel that my work is somewhat appreciated. Like I can do what I do best and still make a living.

Which existing literary work do you wish you had written?

Melville's Moby Dick, I admire the way it does not give a damn about the reader only for them to find out that it has been all about them the whole time.


2002: "Amit szivedbe rejtesz...", MATÁV Student Poetry Competition, I. Place
2003: National meeting of student poets, Sárvár, silver certificate
2005: House of Culture Aranytíz Poetry Competition, II. place
2005: Scientific scholarship, Eötvös Loránd University, bronze grade
2011: Eötvös State Scholarship for studies at the Universidad de Salamanca
2020: Research scholarships in the field of non-German literature, Berlin.
2022: Research scholarships in the field of non-German literature, Berlin.


Publications in original language


Műút, Miskolc, 2020 Gedichte und Kurzprose

La recepción de Federico García Lorca en Hungría

Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca., 2017 Dissertation

Csehország szép, útjai jók

Orpheusz, Budapest, 2008 Gedichte

Semmi meglepő vagy fontos

FISZ, Budapest, 2018 Gedichte

A felszínről

Kalligram, Budapest, 2012 Gedichte