Der neue Bereich unseres Portals macht es sich zum Anliegen, die internationalen Literaturszenen Berlins zu kartographieren, die handelnden Personen und ihre Schauplätze sichtbar und zugänglich zu machen. 
Die Entstehung der Rubrik wurde durch eine Förderung des Hauptstadtkulturfonds ermöglicht. 

Iunona Guruli




Born: 29.5.1978
Birthplace: Tbilisi
Country of birth: Georgia
Lives in: Berlin, Mitte

Source language: Georgian/German
Target language: German/Georgian
Working language: German, Georgian


Iunona Guruli studied at the Schota-Rustaveli state institute for acting (1995 – 1996) and international journalism at the state Ivane Javakhishvili University of Tbilisi (1996-1999). She has lived in Germany since 1999, studying first at the Leibniz University Hannover (2000–2004) and later at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg (2005–2009). In 2009 she obtained her master’s degree in political sciences and recent and modern history. She is also a certified translator for German-Georgian and Georgian-German. Two years ago, she started translating Georgian Literature into German, („Journey to Karabach“ by Aka Morchiladze, „Sunday of Illuminated Windows“ by Diana Anfimiadi, „City on the Water” by Salome Benizde etc.). Her first Book,” The Diagnosis “, was published with the financial support of the ministry of culture in Georgia in 2015 and awarded the national Georgian literature prize Saba in 2016. It consists of 13 stories that have partially been published in several Georgian literary journals before. On the occasion of the Frankfurt Book Fair, it will be released in 2018 (Editorial btb by Random House). She’s currently working on a novel which also will be published by btb.)

6 Questions

What brought you to Berlin? Love? World politics? Or was it a coincidence?

The first time happend by chance, the second time was – the best decision I’ve ever made.

What do you love about Berlin?

That everyone finds his place here, no matter who he is, where he comes from, what he might be interested in… Berlin is colourful, liberal and very affectionate.

What do you miss in Berlin?

Friends and Family, which lives in Georgia.

What is your favorite spot in Berlin?

„Tiergarten“, I often sit there working with my notebook.

Would you say you are a different person in Berlin? A different translator? And if yes, in what way?

I discovered myself in Berlin. It’s impossible to describe in a few words what Berlin means to me and how it has been changing me. One day I’ll write a book regarding the topic, certainly.

Which existing literary work do you wish you had written?

The Trial (Kafka)


2016  The most significant award for Literature in Georgia, the Saba Literary Prize, for the debut of the year, “The Diagnosis” (Short Stories. Saunje Verlag, 2016).

Shortlist of the Georgian Literature Award „Litera“.


Publications in german

Publications in original language


Palitra L, 2024 Erzählungen


Saunje Verlag, Georgien, 2015 Erzählungen

Ohne Diagnose

Bücher in Batumi, 2021 Erzählungen

Translated publications

Nicht mal die Vögel fliegen mehr dort

Aviva Verlag, 2020 Porträts von Frauen


Weidle Verlag, 2018 Novel

Gärtnern im Kriegsgebiet (Tamri Pkhakadze)

Dagyeli Verlag, 2018 Erzählungen

Wie tötet man Billy Eliot? (Zura Abaschidze)

Größenwahnverlag, 2018 Erzählungen

Sonntag der beleuchteten Fenster

Wiser Verlag, 2016 Novel

Dahinschwimmen (Irakli Charkviani)

Dagyeli Verlag, 2018 Roman

Erfindung des Ostens (Irma Tavelidze)

Edition-fotoTAPETA, 2018 Erzählungen

Reise nach Karabach

Weidle Verlag, 2018 Novel

Stadt auf dem Wasser

Aviva, 2017 Novel