Der neue Bereich unseres Portals macht es sich zum Anliegen, die internationalen Literaturszenen Berlins zu kartographieren, die handelnden Personen und ihre Schauplätze sichtbar und zugänglich zu machen. Die Entstehung der Rubrik wurde durch eine Förderung des Hauptstadtkulturfonds ermöglicht.
Born: 12.1.1980
Birthplace: São Paulo
Country of birth: Brazil
Lives in: Berlin, Kreuzberg
Source language: English, German, Spanish
Target language: Portuguese, English
Working language: Portuguese
Rafael Mantovani was born in 1980 in São Paulo and has been living in Berlin since 2011. He earns a living as a translator and spends it as a poet. He’s had poems published in Brazilian magazines such as Modo de usar & Co., escamandro, Lado7, Rosa and Opiniães. His first book Cão was launched in 2011 by ed. Hedra, and his new one, mas o céu também, is coming up in 2017. He has performed at several readings and events in Berlin, including the Latinale – Lateinamerikanisches Poesiefestival (2013), the Lyrik im Ausland series (2013), the multilingual reading meus pelos cresceram (2014), the KM0 Project at Lettrétage (2014), Brasilien trifft Berlin (2015), Queer Stories at Another Country (2015), the Stadtsprachen Festival (2016), Hafenrevue Reloaded at the Literarisches Colloquium (2017), among others.