Der neue Bereich unseres Portals macht es sich zum Anliegen, die internationalen Literaturszenen Berlins zu kartographieren, die handelnden Personen und ihre Schauplätze sichtbar und zugänglich zu machen. 
Die Entstehung der Rubrik wurde durch eine Förderung des Hauptstadtkulturfonds ermöglicht. 

Elsye Suquilanda


© Lars Jongeblod


Birthplace: Quito
Country of birth: Ecuador
Lives in: Berlin, Prenzlauer Berg

Language: Spanish, German, English
Working language: Spanish

Elsye Suquilanda at


Elsye Suquilanda (1979 Quito, Ecuador) writer, poet, video artist, animal rights activist. Author of the poetry books:  Lensi Lusikka Suussa, 030- Berlín, Agua de Mono eau de Toilette Spree, Transición de Cenicienta de Späti, Te envío mis amígdalas en una paloma mensajera, Compatriota rescatada en Berlín por el Chichoismo, Cortina de circo popular, Nalgas. Co-Autor of : Vientre de un Elefante Violeta. Animal rights story : Julieta, la perrita que se cree humana.

Her writings and poetry have been translated into German, English, French, Finnish, Portuguese, Japanese, Shuar, Taiwanese Mandarin, Romanian. She began to write stories at the age of 6, poetry that would later become books, essays, plays and film scripts. Co-creator of the Dogsofia Chichoismo by means of the art to teach love and respect to all living creatures.  "...and her Maestro is a dog named Chicho". She has lived in Berlin since 2008. Poetry 100% ecuaterrestre made in Berlin 

Festivals and Presentations: Latinoamerican Literaturefestival Barrio (Bairro) Berlin _ Kardiogramme und Wassereinhörner Performative Readings with Amaya Gallegos, Regina Riveros, Lisa Spöri in Aquarium, Berlin 2024. Guest poet in the First Year Seminar “In-Between Treasures: Intercultural Experiences in Latino and Latin American-influenced Art” by Prof. Ethel Barja at Salisbury University Maryland, United States 2024 (online). Project Nackte Dichter*Naked Poets together with Lars Jongeblod at ETES-VOUS FOU? in Kunsthaus Kule - artweek 24, Berlin. NFLB Sommerfest 24 Drunter und draussen Reading Participant, Koloniestrasse Berlin 2024. Caracol Piernas Velvet_ Schnecke auf Velvet Beinen new book project in progress, article in the magazine Desbanda Berlin 2024. Premier Poesiefilm Pancito Metadón_Methadon Schrippe poem from the book 030 - Berlín, Stadtsprache magazin #28 Berlin 2024. G A R A G E : sound [ zwischenzone] poetry, Performance together with Lars Jongeblod, Uwe Moellhusen, Wolfgang Nick, Berlin 2024. Poetic Ritual - Chichotation, Chichoyoga and Tai-Chicho, Alba magazine lateinamerika lesen in 48Stunden Neükolln, Berlin 2024. Performane at The Poetic Groove Show in Puppentheater-Museum, Berlin 2024. Official Selection Poetryfilm Water by Berlin Lift-Off-Festival, Berlin 2024, Tokyo Lift-Off- Film Festival, Tokyo 2024, Golden Bridge Istambul 2024, New York – Istambul Short Film Festival 2024 New poetry reading in Yidish and Kichwa, LABA _ exhibition Taboo, CLB gallery Berlin 2023. Producer of the poetry film based on the poem Water by Lars Jongeblod, co-production Berlin Germany - Quito - Ecuador 2023, online premiere at the Festival Poesia en Paralelo Cero 15 <la mirada que cotinúa) 2023. Delegation of poets award ceremony in honor of Silvio Rodriguez prize "Poeta de dos Hemisferios 2023" Festival Poesia en Paralelo Cero Ecuador, Havana Cuba 2023. Latin America reads in Casa de las Americas, Havana Cuba 2023. MIini lecturas en español im Rahmen von Unsere Bibliotek = Unsere Vielfalt Bezirkeszentralbibliothek Pablo Neruda,Berlin 2023. 3 Tempelhofer Lesefest, Berlin 2023. Performance + Poetry Literaturfestival in der Rummelsburger See Berlin 2023.  Poetry Performance Alba 14 - Latinale, Moos Space, Berlin 2023. Porbador de Poesías #4, Oblomov, Berlin 2023. Volume 1 transFORM, transverses, Grüner Salon Volskbühne, Berlin 2023. Ex/Salón, Salón Berlinés, Berlin 2023. Poetische Extravaganzen (Gedichte, Lieder und Hundephilosophie Chichosimo),Win Kaffee 2022. Brecht - Haus Unterground - die multiliterarische Keller Revue, Berlin 2022. Haus für Poesie | In der Sprache des Herzen Leben:Das Tier in dir: Hundephilosophie Chichoismo, Berlin 2022. International Poetry Festival Ileana Espinel Cedeño, Guayaquil - Ecuador 2022. Podcast Salón Berlinés, Berlin 2022. Siesta Festival, Berlin 2022. Museo del Cacao Guayaquil, Ecuador 2022. Sonic Sound Space Festival Berlin 2022. Museo de los Metales Cuenca, Ecuador 2021.  International Independent Film Festival Extramuros as jury member in the Cinemetáforas category Chile 2021. Zebra Poetry Film Festival Berlin 2020. Book Fair FIL Quito Virtual 2020.  International Poetry Festival Bolivia - 2020. Day of the book  - project Cuentísimos Instituto Cervantes  Bruxelles, Belgium 2020. Parataxe Digital Special edition Literarisches Colloquium Berlin, Berlin 2020. Korrespondenzen/Correspondencias – ein künstlerischer Austausch Quito - Germany 2020. Ecuadorian women's Poetry Festival Mayúscula, Ecuador 2020.  Festival of Poets " Otro Modo de Ser"  Barcelona 2019. Paralelo Cero 11th International Encounter of Poets in Ecuador 2019.  X International Poetry Festival in Puerto Rico - P.R 2018. Festival of Ancestral oratory and new narratives, Santa Cruz – Galápagos, Ecuador 2018. International Poetry Festival in Guayaquil  Ileana Espinel Cedeño, Ecuador 2016. Poet's Corner within the framework of the PoesieFestival Berlin 2017.  XLI International Congress of Jena 2016, in the project: Living in another language , Latin American writers living in Germany. "Auroras Borealis wrapped in crisp volcanoes'' within the framework of the Latin American Autumn - Hamburg 2014. Literaturfestival SOUNDOUT different ways of presenting literatur 2014 with "Swimming pool of poetry" project. Weltliteratur Salon (Berliner Literature) Berlin 2014.  Latinale Académica with her project Creatures of Kaurismäki / investigative poetry (Finnish-Spanish) in the event “Vodka Papaya: Sauna de poesía latino-polar” within the framework of the Frankfurt Book Fair 2014. Latinale Mobiles Poesie-Festival, Berlin 2012 - 2016. Fieber Festival Berlin 2011 - 2015. Book fair of Havana - Cuba 2012.

Anthologies, Magazines, Blogs:
Five poems from the book Lensi Lussika Suussa in Grafografx Literature Magazine of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Mexico 2024.
Caracol Piernas Velvet (Schnecke auf Velvet Beinen) new book project in progress. Article in Revista Desbandada, Berlin 2024
Stadtsprachen magazine Issue 28. Berlin 2024
Stadtsprachen magazine Issue 26. Berlin 2023
Círculo de Poesía. México 2023
Antologhy Los NECIOS homenaje a Silvio Rodríguez, Colección Los Torreones Poesia 
Alba 14. lateinamerika.lesen Magazin, Berlin 2023
Anthology Podemos mentirle al placer  Ecuadorian poetry exhibition (1976 – 1990) selection and prologue Augusto Rodríguez  translated into Taiwanese Mandarin by Miao -yi Tu, Taiwán 2023. 
Casa Bukowski digital magazine of Art and Literature, Chile 2020
Anthology Festín Mutante 10 años 100 poemas, Argentina 2020
Anthology Audio book poética versoTrasverso, Llueve ediciones Quito - Ecuador 2020
Rizoma digital magazine edition no. 1, Quito - Ecuador 2020
POEDU Virtuelle Poesiewerkstatt für Kinder,  Barcelona 2020
Nueva York Poetry Review, digital magazine, New York - USA 2020
Homero y sus players literatur project, Quito - Ecuador 2020
Círculo literario de mujeres, Ciudad de México - México  2020
Contratiempo magazine no. 147,  Latinoamérica Arde, Chicago - Illinois 2020
Río Grande Review Literature magazine issue # 50. El Paso - Texas 2019
Poesía del Prójimo, Guayaquil - Ecuador 2019.
Alameda 39 Spanish poetry magazine, issue #5. 13 female poets from Germany. Spain 2019.
Lyric and music project  Ábrete Sésamo by Sr. Maniquí, 8 poems - 8 songs,Quito - Ecuador 2019.
Bitácora del Párvulo, San Juan - Puerto Rico 2019.
Words and Worlds magazine for migration literatur, Austria 2019 - 2020.
Anthology Podemos mentirle al placer  Ecuadorian poetry exhibition (1976 – 1990) selection and prologue 
Augusto Rodríguez, Amargord - Madrid 2019.
Paralelo Cero Anthology within the framework of the X International Poetry Paralelo Cero, Quito - Ecuador. 2019.
Kundra literatur magazine, Argentina - Berlin 2019.
Zu project edited by Manuel Adrián López, New York 2019.
Lateinamerika Nachrichten Magazin, Berlin 2019
Parataxe das Berliner Stadtsprachen Magazin, klak Verlag Berlin 2019.
Book „Todo boca arriba“ – „Alles kopfüber“ analysis of Elsye´s work by Ethel Barja, edited by Rike Bolte
Latinale Académica 2018.Valdivias Fanzine II Festival of Ancestral oratory and new narratives, Santa Cruz – Galápagos, Ecuador 2018.
Álastor literatur magazine, Nicaragua 2018.
“Vodkarious Verdus” within the framework of the X International Poetry Festival in Puerto Rico - P.R 2018.
Text Criaturas de Kaurismäki, en el lado de la Esperanza as a special guest in the Aurora Boreal Magazine Copenhagen 2017 and Creatures of Kaurismäki, on the side of Hope by Statdsprachen Magazin Berlin 2018.
Ecuadorian poetry exhibition, Tokyo Japan 2017
Anthologie within the framework of International Poetry Festival Ileana Espinel Cedeño Guayaquil – Ecuador 2016.
Project Stadtpoesie within the framework of the literature festival Stadtsprachen -Berlin 2016.
Text Américo in "It occurs to me that I am America" by Nicole Delgado, Puerto Rico - New York 2015.
Text  Mujer de Pelo en Teta in book of narrations, authorship of Ecuadorian migrants "Me fuí a volver" by Diego Falconí Tráves, Barcelona - Quito 2014.
Anthologie Tejedor en Berlin, Bilbao-Berlin poetic project 2014.
Cita con la Poesía Anthologie , Madrid - Berlin 2013 - 2016.
Transversalia edited by Rike Bolt, Humboldt Latin America magazine, Berlin 2012.


Si una Runa cae, Mil llegamos
author Sarawi Andrango (Ecuador) 
author Gabriela D' Arbel (México)
Manzana para mi boca
author Eduardo León (Ecuador)
author Judith Santopietro (México)









6 Questions

What brought you to Berlin? Love? World politics? Or was it a coincidence?

the deep curiosity to expand my tentacles of creativity

What do you love about Berlin?

everyday is a new shortmovie with millions of unique characters, and the love and respect for animals.

What do you miss in Berlin?

my parents, my brother, my friends, the daily hugs of my volcanoes and the Rucu Pichincha saying good morning with the smell of a fresh coffee.

Would you say you are a different person in Berlin? A different translator? And if yes, in what way?

I am more calm, I have more inner peace. In Berlin I had been learning a lot, testing different flavours, different textures, meeting new creatures, every day is an adventure for me, maybe I am more precise in what I want, I can dance with my writings, I am not afraid anymore. Berlin is the place where I fell on the floor many times and where I stand up with new stories and laughs in my hands.


Publications in german

Publications in original language

Lensi Lusikka Suussa

Mecánica Giratoria |Barcelona, Quito, 2020 Poetry

030 - Berlin

L.U.P.I - Zoográfico|Bilbao/Madrid, 2018 Poetry

Cenicienta de Späti, o, a lo criollo, Cenicienta de la tienda más cercana de su barrio

Kollektiv Dunckerstrasse , 2015 Techno Noise Poetry

Julieta la perrita que se cree humana

Independent |Berlin, 2011 animal rights story


Abya Yala |Quito Ecuador , 2003 Prosa

Vientre de un Elefante Violeta

Salta pa´tras |San Luis Potosí México , 2019 Poetry

Agua de Mono Eau de Toilette Spree

Ajolote |Quito Ecuador , 2016 Poetry

Te envío mis amígdalas en una paloma mensajera

no Verlag Milena Berlin, 2014 Poetry

Cortina de circo popular

Independent |Berlin, 2010 Poetry

Israel, sueño, verdad y esperanza

Independent |Quito Ecuador , 1997 Poetry