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Luciana Rangel


Luciana Rangel
© ML


Born: 16.11.1974
Birthplace: Rio de Janeiro
Country of birth: Brazil
Lives in: Berlin, Grunewald

Working language:


Luciana Rangel is a versatile Brazilian-German-Portuguese journalist and author born in Rio de Janeiro and living in Berlin since 2005. Her first book, Está (quase) tudo bem, 2020, published both in Brazil (Folhas de Relva) and in Germany in 2021 (Hagebutte Verlag) as (fast) alles in Ordnung, was awarded by the Bavarian Ministry of Science and Culture. In 2023 she published the book: Ruth contra Hitler. The book is a literary Report based on the author's master's thesis. She participated in various readings such as Heidelberg University, Brazilian Embassy, bookstores and associations. As a journalist, she gained experience in international media companies such as Jornal do Brasil, TV Globo, BBC and Deutsche Welle. Luciana has been awarded journalism prizes by Petrobras and the European Union. Luciana is currently a PhD candidate in Inter-American Studies at Bielefeld University with Prof. Dr. Joachim Michael as advisor. Since 2016, she is involved in volunteer projects of Professor Dr. Leonardo Tonus at Sorbonne University (main topic migration). As a journalist, she also writes articles and reviews for various magazines such as São Paulo Review, Estado de São Paulo, Van Magazine.

6 Questions

What brought you to Berlin? Love? World politics? Or was it a coincidence?

The curiosity to get to know the world. Then the profession, then love!

What do you love about Berlin?

What I love about Berlin is that every district is different. You have different worlds in one city. And there is something that connects them, like so different places like Neukölln and Charlottenburg - the constant change of the city and its diversity of languages and countries of origin.

What do you miss in Berlin?

More light, more sun and of course the sea!

What is your favorite spot in Berlin?

In summer, swimming in lakes. In winter, the opera and concert halls. Autumn and spring: parks and the botanical garden.

Would you say you are a different person in Berlin? A different translator? And if yes, in what way?

In Berlin I am a migrant. In my country of origin, I am an expat. The literary world has to constantly adjust authors in categories. After 18 years in Berlin, I'm like a " Wander" author. New German literature? It would be other categories, wouldn't it? In any case, I have become more diverse and open!

Which existing literary work do you wish you had written?

Blutbuch (Kim de L'Horizon), for the courage and incredible literary achievement: a very beautiful book.


2021 - Book Award: Bavarian Ministry of Science and Culture: (fast) alles in Ordnung. 

2021 - Scholarship for The New School NY: at the Transregional Center for Democratic Studies from The New School for Social Research

2014 - Petrobras Journalism Award:  for the documentary: "Brazil: country of longing " (german Broadcast ZDF)

2007 - European Union Journalism Award: for the documentary about 40 years of the Rome Treaty

2006 - TV Globo Journalism Award: for the documentary about Urban spaces  in Berlin (Globonews)

2004 - Fellow and guest editor of IJP: for the International Journalist Program. Berlin, Stuttgart and Heilbronn

2002 - Fellow and guest editor of Goethe Institut: Program for young journalists in Berlin


Publications in german

Publications in original language

Ruth contra Hitler

Folhas de Relva Editora / Sao Paulo, Brasil, 2023 Eine literarische Reportage. Die Geschichte der Berliner Journalistin Ruth Andreas-Friedrich ist der rote Faden. Aber die Autorin bleibt nicht dabei stehen und geht durch die Jahrzehnte des Wiederaufbaus von Deutschland

Escrever Berlim

Editora Nós / Sao Paulo, Brasil, 2017 Kurzgeschichten, Anthologie

Está (quase) tudo bem

Folhas de Relva Editora / Sao Paulo, Brasil, 2020 crônicas